Thursday, March 19, 2020

AnInconvenient TruthWorksheetAnswers Essay

AnInconvenient TruthWorksheetAnswers Essay AnInconvenient TruthWorksheetAnswers Essay An Inconvenient Truth Name: __________________________________________________ Date: __________ Based on the videoÍ ¾ please answer the questions below in thoughtful and complete sentences. 1. What image started the modern day environmental movement? An image of the earth. 2. What is considered the most vulnerable part of the earth system? The atmosphere. 3. Relatively speaking, compared to the earth, how thick is the atmosphere? As thin as the varnish that covers or protects a globe. 4. How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a GOOD thing? It makes the earth warm and livable. 5. How can trapping infrared radiation by the earth’s atmosphere be a BAD thing? If too much infrared energy is trapped it makes the earth too warm and thus unlivable. 6. Sketch the general trend of the â€Å"CO2 Level† versus time graph below: 7. What percentage of people depend on glacial melt for their drinking water? 40% 8. Why is studying ice cores important? It gives us a 650,000 year record of climatic change. 9. What is the relationship between carbon dioxide (CO2) and atmospheric temperature? As CO2 levels increase temperatures increase. 10. Over what time period have the hottest 10 years on earth occurred? The last 14 years. 11. As the water temperature under a hurricane increases, what happens to the wind velocity of the storm? As water temperature increases wind velocity and precipitation increases. 12. What has happened to Lake Chad over the years? It virtually dried up. 13. How much

Tuesday, March 3, 2020

9 Ways To Avoid Being The Office Jerk

9 Ways To Avoid Being The Office Jerk We all have crazy coworkers- and that’s not even counting the guys going AWOL on the printer in an abandoned field. But you don’t have to be the office psycho to make an enemy of yourself at work. Here are nine things not to do on the job- or really ever.1. Don’t lieEven if it’s a little white lie with good intentions, it can easily get out of hand. Getting caught up in a lie, however, will only make it harder for your coworkers to trust you†¦ and for you to respect yourself.2. Don’t gossipBut†¦ work is dull, and that secret is just so juicy Still,  hold on to your schadenfreude and keep quiet about your coworkers’ misery. You won’t hurt anybody’s feelings, and no one will think you’re a spiteful grump.3. Don’t  be a downerEverybody hates their job a little- at least once in a while. But don’t be the one who’s constantly complaining. It’s a bummer and will bring the whole group do wn, plus it will make you look like a total downer. Remember how replaceable you are!4. Don’t ExplodeNo, seriously. We all want to go AWOL on the printer. Or occasionally even our boss. Before you pick up that stapler to hurl it at your coworker, remember: it might make you feel better, but it’s really just an easy way to get fired. Once you become the office crazy person, there’s no coming back.5. Don’t  hog all the creditEven if you feel you did the lion’s share, taking credit for someone else’s work or ideas is just a jerk move, plain and simple. Keep it classy, and focus on what you can accomplish.6. Don’t bragPlaying it cool is the strongest possible move when you’ve done something excellent. Give the impression that you’re that good all the time, rather than crowing about every small success.7. Don’t  backstabBe sensitive to the climate you work in, and the hierarchy. Don’t go over anybody’ s head or talk about anyone behind their back. (And just hope your coworkers do you the same courtesy.)8. Don’t  eat gross stuffNo, really. That leftover flounder your boyfriend made you is just going to stink up the microwave, the kitchenette, your cubicle, and the entire office. Don’t be the one who brings in smelly leftovers and makes everybody nauseous. If you wouldn’t eat it on an airplane, don’t bring it into work.9. Don’t burn bridgesEven if you do have to peace out, resist the urge to do it in dramatic fashion. You’re invariably hurting your coworkers more than your boss, and you never know when you might need the connections you have made.These sound like outrageous behaviors, but it’s quite easy to be driven to them gradually. So check your ego, stay calm, and make sure to keep your head above the fray.